Sunday, 20 January 2013

Long trail run report: blistex mirages and cicada's!

Yesterday's long run was the worst one so far :-(

I felt exhausted from the start... and the heat sucked out the last few drops of energy i had during the first few km's. It might be time to rethink the timing of these runs.

Started out at 2pm-ish. First 10kms were a real struggle and i was very tempted to make the turn at 10km.

Realised by 7km in when i went to have my first gel that i'd left my blistex behind! If you know me resonably well you'll know this was a great cause for concern! I seriously considered turning around then and there! By the end of the run i was literally having visions of blistex in front of me.... well not quite literatlly but give another 20km and i'm sure i could have been hallucinating blistex!

I kept going to Cleopatra's pool (12ish kms in) and had a quick dip hoping it would refresh my legs enough to continue a few more km's. It did.

I made it to about 15km. Well ok mapmyrun app said 14.4km but it's been pretty unreliable at correct distances lately so i'm not entirely sure.

Decided to turn gps app off at this point and conserve battery. I've discovered that after being charged to 100% my phone only lasts about 3.5-4hours using GPS.

The next 10ish km's felt much better and i got into a nice groove. After about 22km the pain in my legs started to set it.

The final 5km's were ridicously hard and i walked the last km. Would have walked more in that run than the any of the last long runs. By this time I was feeling a dehydration headache looming and this was not helped by the enormous amount of noise being made by approx. 1 million cicada's. Seriously i'm pretty sure there were 1 million of them. I wanted to kill each and every one of them by the end.

So didn't quite get to the 33-35km i was wanting to but given the heat and exhuastion i felt from the get go i'm ok with it.

Final time was approx 3:40.

I'm sore today - and didn't sleep well last night. Need a massage but can't afford it this pay!

1 comment:

  1. Good effort Em. Sounds hard. But you did it.
