Today however, I visited the Sports Clinic in Nelson and saw an excellent physio. She was very clear about the steps to getting my ankle back to 100%, and instead of giving me a long list of excercises, just gave me the most effective ones that will hasten the strengthening time. Here's the low down of my plan;
- Tape both ankles on ALL trail runs until (and during) the race (taping to be done by a physio)
- Desist taping after the race as taping limits the amount of strengthening the ankle can do
- Practice one legged standing whenever possible, ie. when waiting for the jug to boil, waiting to cross road.
- Progress to one legged pose (similar to tree pose), from firm surface to bed, from eyes open to eyes closed. Aim for 50 secs. Acheiving 50 secs is a good measure of strong ligaments.
- If after a resonable period (maybe 3 months) of consistent strengthening, the rolling/spraining is still happening, see the shoe clinic AND a podiotrist.
- I have minimal arches and mostly a neutral foot. May benefit from small arch support.
- I am pretty close to 'hyperextension' in all joints so this predisposes me to this type of injury (but makes yoga easier!)
- If after shoe/podiatrist/strength based remedies don't help, refer to orthopedic surgeon. This is the extreme measures if it appears that over time my ligaments have loosened ALOT and can only be helped by tightening through surgery (ick!).
And i do.... yesterday I took to the trail that led me up the center of NZ, very short, but fairly steep (150m climb), and i was reminded how much i love running trails. Its bliss being away from the roads and cars and in amongst the trees and birds. So peaceful and makes me feel very connected to God - regardless of how much praying i might do! (i actually find cycling more conducive to prayer!)
Anywho... I have a plan. A master plan to dominate my weak ankles!!
Onwards and upwards. 15km road run tonight. Just aiming for a steady 1:30. Thursday is a day off running, to prepare for huge weekend. This will be the peak of our training, a back to back session, 40km on Friday (trail run into the Abel Tasman), and follow up with 20km on saturday. It's gonna hurt, but it's the best way to prep for Tarawera.
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